在美国禁令实行之后,Huawei也表示已经准备了一系列的后备计划来应对最坏情况,包括一个自主研发,可兼容Android应用的“鸿蒙OS”,同时Huawei在之前也已经把自己的应用商店:Huawei App Gallery推广到中国以外的市场。而据外媒透露,日前多名Android应用开发者就收到了来自Huawei的电邮,邀请他们为Huawei App Gallery开发App,扩大Huawei App Gallery的生态圈。
据外媒XDA报道,日前一名匿名的开发者就表示收到了一封来自Huawei的电邮,邀请他加入Huawei App Gallery开发者社区中,也就是为Huawei App Gallery开发App。Huawei也在电邮中提到,目前所有Huawei手机都已经预装App Gallery,月活跃用户量达到2.7亿,并且Huawei也会基于开发者权利支持,让他们的App可以顺利在App Gallery上架。
Subject: [OFFICIAL] Invitation to join Huawei AppGallery
Cher XXX team,
- In the last 2 years, Huawei shipped over 350M phones, about half of them in western markets.
- All Huawei phones have our official AppStore “AppGallery” preloaded globally, with 270 million monthly active users.
- We realized that your great Android App XXX is not yet published in our AppGallery.
- In order to guarantee a smooth usage of your App for our users, Huawei is committed to provide you with full support, to help you publish your App into AppGallery.
- We would therefore like to invite you to join our 560k developers community for free, in our Huawei Developer portal.
值得一提的是,Huawei并不是第一家邀请其他平台的开发者加入到自己平台的厂商,早前Amazon也曾经发出类似邀请,让开发者在Amazon Appstore上开发App。但是鉴于Huawei最近也被美国禁令影响,此举也能被看做为自己的应用商店,甚至是为“鸿蒙OS”做准备。如Huawei在电邮内提到,目前Huawei App Gallery已经被推广到海外市场,Huawei手机除了会预装App Gallery以外,Huawei还会为开发者提供工具以方便把Google Play Store上的App转换到Huawei App Gallery上。